Ten days old.

Andrea has been a dear friend of mine for what seems like a good solid while now.  I think I can look over the stages of my young adulthood and how each of my roommates me taught me something different about life, perspectives and myself.

She is wise, level headed and amazing.

Now she’s back down in the states, and I’m still up here in Canada. She is happily married to a man I can also call another friend of mine.  I can also proudly say I knew him back when his hair was long long and CURLY CURLY!

I’m so happy and proud of them for their marriage, their determination to live and thrive in a small community, and their little family.

This past summer Jon and I road tripped to see them, and I told Andrea that the her and Jon could long-board together (happy common ground yay!),

that’s when she called to tell me,

“So, I can’t longboard, I’M PREGNANT!!!”

I drove, flew, and ferried down to them just to meet their baby boy this January.

The lovely blue blanket was knitted by his grandma, and the teddy bear was a gift Travis sent to Andrea when they were seperated when they waited for his green card.

He was ten days old when these were taken.

He’s adorable, sweet and calm like his Mommy.

Given those genetics I feel that I captured him the only time he wont have amazing curly hair like his Daddy.


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