
There’s just something about driving down the lane way to Grandma and Grandpa’s that makes you feel immediately safe. Unchanging. Full of love. Calm.

I took these of my sister when we were both able to make it there this August (in time for the raspberries to be “picked”).

Here’s to feeling grounded.


Knots of excitement.

I cannot even begin to describe the anticipation I had been feeling leading up to this moment.
I had already bought an outfit years ago while on a trip in alaska,
I had fallen apart when they gag pretended they were pregnant at christmas one year,
and I put down the phone and
started crying (all video tapped) when they called to tell me this fall that there was a baby on the way for spring.
I have a big heart that is just eagerly awaiting to love-on and spend time with many nieces and nephews.  And I believe I will absolutely fall apart when I get to watch my own family grow.
I have been waiting, loving, hoping and planning for this baby for a looooong 9 months.
It proved to be quite the learning experience, and I am very thankfull that I have older sisters that I get to watch go through things before I do.  Important life passageways.
I have never been so impatience with, terrified for, amazed at and proud of my sister than I was the 67 hours that lead up to baby Westhaver being born. It was days of knots of excitement in my stomach and passing out asleep whenever I had the chance.
That night I became and aunt,
My parents gained the well-earned and hounouring title of grandparents,
and my Grandparents, whom I love to bits joined the realm of great-grandparents who get to lovingly witness generations grow,
and she became Jaidyn Sophia to us.